Attend the academic event: “GDPR: what economic impact?” - 20 May 2025
More than 5 years after the entry into force of the GDPR, the CNIL and the French Treasury are organising, on 20 May, an international academic event on the assessment of its economic impact. The conference will gather economists experts in the field, and French and European regulators.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force in May 2018, has shaped the institutional framework of digital economy in Europe. Has it increased the economic welfare of Europeans? What where the costs of its implementation? What economic benefits of compliance can companies take advantage of? Is its implementation fully effective on the ground? Has it had a global impact? What is the current state of play in terms of innovation, trust and competition?
Many empirical studies, particularly by economists, have addressed these questions in recent years, using increasingly powerful statistical approaches. But have these studies told the whole story ? This work is giving rise to a rich academic debate in both Europe and North America, the conclusions of which are of interest to regulators and citizens alike.
To take stock of this work, the CNIL and the French Treasury are organising an international academic event on Tuesday 20 May (starting from 13:00 to 18:00 CET). Bringing together economists with expertise in the field,as well as French and European regulators, it aims to draw lessons from the impact of the GDPR from a new, more economic and concrete perspective.
The programme and the speakers will be available online on the CNIL website in April when registration opens.
Tuesday 20 May 2025, 13:00 – 18:00 CET
At CNIL’s premises and online