Keynote speech by Marie-Laure Denis, President of the CNIL - The future of data protection: effective enforcement in the digital world
On 17th June 2022, as part of a two-day conference organised in Brussels by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), Marie-Laure Denis, President of the CNIL addressed in a keynote speech the achievements and remaining challenges in ensuring an effective enforcement in the digital world.

Four years after the effective application of the GDPR, Marie-Laure Denis takes stock of the improvements brought by the Regulation and presents her views on how to respond to the current expectations and challenges, in order to guarantee the protection of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data.
Addressing the GDPR enforcement model, Marie-Laure Denis considers that, when it comes to the digital ecosystem and its rapid evolutions, we cannot afford waiting several years and that we need to act now. She highlighted that this context is the reason why data protection authorities have collectively decided to be proactive with a dedicated action plan, building upon the current model, in order to deliver more swiftly, to address the current challenges and to meet our common objectives.
Marie-Laure Denis notably stressed that the future of data protection has always been to make it a concrete reality for individuals, as a fundamental right. She insisted that today more than ever, we have a duty to succeed collectively, not only as a regulatory or policy objective, but also for the promotion and preservation of our common values.