Taking into account data protection when designing the system

07 juin 2024

To ensure that the development of an AI system respects data protection, it is necessary to carry out a prior reflection when designing it. This sheet details the steps involved.

This content is a courtesy translation of the original publication in French. In the event of any inconsistencies between the French version and this English translation, please note that the French version shall prevail.


When considering the design choices of an AI system, the principles of data protection, and in particular the minimisation principle, must be respected. This approach takes place at four levels. A controller must therefore ask itself about:

  • the objective of the system it wishes to develop;
  • the method to be used which will affect the characteristics of the dataset;
  • the data sources mobilized (see the how-to sheet on the compliance of the processing with the law, on open sources, on third parties, etc.) and among these sources, the selection of data strictly necessary, in view of the usefulness of the data and the potential impact their collection has on the rights and freedoms of data subjects;
  • the validity of the choices previously made. Such validation may take different (non-exclusive) forms, such as a pilot study or the solicitation of an ethics committee.
System design : choice of system architecture ; Pilot/assessment of data requirements

The objective of the system

The method to be used

The selection of strictly necessary data

The validity of design choices